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Thank you so much for your interest in the Alliance for Aging Research’s free educational videos! Click on the links below to download the videos. The Alliance for Aging Research is pleased that you want to use our content to educate yourself, your family, your community, and others about age-related conditions, diseases and issues that impact the health of older Americans. We believe that access to the latest scientific information empowers people to take control of their health, and thank you for your role in promoting healthy aging. Please note that however you plan to use the videos, we ask that you please do not alter the content in any way.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration Explained in 60 Seconds
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration Explained in 30 Seconds
- Taking a Closer Look at Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- La Degeneración Macular Asociado Con La Edad (DMAE)
- La Degeneración Macular Asociado Con La Edad (DMAE) (30-second PSA)
- A Year without a Stroke (60 second PSA)
- A Year without a Stroke (30 second PSA)
- Dr. Roosevelt Gilliam: Year without a Stroke
- Dr. Roosevelt Gilliam: Year without a Stroke (30-second PSA)
- Living with Arrhythmias: What to Know When Your Heart is Out of Rhythm
- Living with Atrial Fibrillation
- Living with Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT): Taking Charge of Your Condition
- Mellanie True Hills on Celebrating a Year without a Stroke
- Mellanie True Hills on Celebrating a Year without a Stroke (30-second PSA)
- Preventing Stroke from Atrial Fibrillation
- Sharon and Randall Munson on Celebrating a Year without a Stroke
- Sharon and Randall Munson on Celebrating a Year without a Stroke (30-second PSA)
- Cómo Prevenir una Apoplejía por Fibrilacin Auricular
- Cómo Vivir con Fibrilación Auricular
- Viviendo Con Arritmias: Qué Debe Saber Cuando su Corazón Está Fuera de Ritmo
- Viviendo Con La Taquicardia Supraventricular Paroxística (TSVP): Haciéndose cargo de su condición
Clinical Trials
Heart Valve Disease
- Aortic Stenosis in Seniors Explained
- Listen to Your Heart: Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day 2019
- Listen to Your Heart: Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day 2019 (30-second PSA)
- Living with Valve Disease: Linda’s Story
- Living with Valve Disease: Nina’s Story
- Living with Valve Disease: Two Patients and their Heart Surgeon Talk About Heart Valve Disease
- National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day Explained in 60 Seconds
- National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day Explained in 30 Seconds
Medication Safety
- OTC Pain Medication: What You Need to Know
- OTC Pain Medication: What You Need to Know (with closed captioning)
OTC Pain Medication (film chapters)
- Choosing the Over-the-Counter Pain Medication for You
- Following the Drug Facts Label on Over-the-Counter Pain Medications
- Keeping Track of Your Medications
- Safe Disposal of Over-the-Counter Pain Medications
- Safe Storage of Over-the-Counter Pain Medications
- Safe Use of Over-the-Counter Pain Medications
- Safe Use and Storage of Over-the-Counter Pain Medications
- Taking Acetaminophen Safely
- Taking NSAIDs Safely
- The Two Main Types of Over-the-Counter Pain Medications
- Learn About Over-the-Counter (OTC) Pain Medications in 60 Seconds
- Learn About Over-the-Counter (OTC) Pain Medications in 30 Seconds
- Safe Medication Disposal
- Safely Taking and Storing OTC Pain Medications
- Safely Taking and Storing OTC Pain Medications (with closed captioning)
- OTC PSA Spanish (30 seconds)
- Lo Que Usted Necesita Saber Andes de Elegir un OTC Para Alivar el Dolor
- Lo Que Usted Necesita Saber Andes de Elegir un OTC Para Alivar el Dolor (with closed captioning)
OTC Para Alivar el Dolor (film chapters)
- Alacenamiento Seguro de Los Medicamentos para el Dolor sin Receta OTC
- Eligiendo Los Medicamentos para el Dolor sin Receta OTC para Usted
- Eliminación Segura de Los Medicamentos para el Dolor sin Recta OTC
- Los Dos Principales Tipos de Medicamentos para el Dolor sin Receta OTC
- Siguiendo La Etiqueta de Información de Los Medicamentos para el Dolor sin Receta OTC
- Siguimiento de Sus Medicamentos
- Tomando Aceteminofén de Manera Segura
- Tomando NSAIDs de Manera Segura
- Uso y Alacenamiento Seguro de Los Medicamentos para el Dolor sin Recta OTC
- Uso Seguro de Los Medicamentos para el Dolor sin Receta OTC
- Tomando y Alamacenando de Manera Seguar Medicamentos Para el Dolor OTC
- Tomando y Alamacenando de Manera Seguar Medicamentos Para el Dolor OTC (with closed captioning)
- Healthy Aging with Nutrition
- Heart Healthy Aging with Nutrition
- Nutrition for a Healthy Life
- Malnutrición: Una Epidemia Oculta Entre los Adultos de Mayor Edad
- Malnutrition: A Hidden Epidemic in Older Adults
- Our Best Shot: The Importance of Vaccines for Older Adults
- Our Best Shot: The Importance of Vaccines for Older Adults (60-second PSA)
- Our Best Shot: The Importance of Vaccines for Older Adults (30-second PSA)
- La Importancia de las Vacunas en los Adultos
Venous Thromboembolism
- Living with VTE and Preventing Deadly Blood Clots
- Living with VTE and Preventing Deadly Blood Clots (with closed captioning
- Cómo Vivir con el Tromboembolismo Venoso y Prevenir Coágulos Sanguíneos Mortales
- Cómo Vivir con el Tromboembolismo Venoso y Prevenir Coágulos Sanguíneos Mortales (with closed captioning)