The Alliance for Aging Research is proud to have dedicated staff members supporting the organization in its mission to improve the universal human experience of aging and health. This month, we are featuring Ashley Leonard, the Alliance’s Development Project Coordinator.
What do you do at the Alliance for Aging Research?
I am the new Development Project Coordinator here at Alliance!
How long have you worked at the Alliance?
I’ve worked at the Alliance since May 2021.
Where are you from, and what brought you to the Washington, DC area?
I am a native Washingtonian!
What is your favorite project or topic you’ve worked on while at the Alliance?
Talk NERDY to Me! Not only does the name stand out, but the content and the value of the training is immeasurable. Before coming to the Alliance, I was unaware that patient-centered outcomes research was something being practiced, so it is very exciting to learn more about it and be a part of putting the program together!
Do you have a personal connection with any of the health issues/conditions the Alliance works on?
Yes, with many of my relatives, as I am sure we have all experienced at one point or another.
What is something you’ve learned about healthy aging since working at the Alliance that has either changed your view or impacted the way you personally approach aging?
As I mentioned, participating in Talk NERDY to Me has shown me that being involved in one’s care is probably the best practice when thinking about healthy aging. It has impacted my view in the sense to where I just want to be involved, be a part of the processes that will facilitate my own healthy aging.
What is your favorite book?
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston and The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah.
What is one thing that not many people know about you?
I am afraid of every bug on the planet!