The week of March 20-26 is National Poison Prevention Week. This observance focuses on educating about the dangers of poisonings and how you can prevent them.
During that week, we’ll be holding a campaign to raise awareness about medication safety. The highlight of our week’s activities centers around a Twitter chat we’ll be holding on Wednesday, March 23, at 1 p.m. ET.
It is called: Medication Safety 101: Usage, Storage, and Disposal. We’ll be joining with a great group of partners such as the Acetaminophen Awareness Coalition, the American Association of Poison Control Centers, CHPA Educational Foundation, and the National Coalition on Patient Information & Education to share knowledge and information about safe usage, storage, and disposal of medications.
If you’ve never done a Twitter chat before, don’t worry. It is easy for you to follow along. All you have to do is go to Twitter and search for the keyword #SafeMedsChat and follow the conversation. A series of questions will be presented by us about safe medication use, and people are invited to respond with their answers. By using the #SafeMedsChat hashtag, everyone will be following the same conversation. Please also follow us at @aging_research for updates.
We hope you’ll join us.