To quote Jennifer Lopez, “C’mon people, let’s get loud!” Hang up your lab coat, leave your pad folios and ipads behind, and dust off your protest sign, it’s time to make some noise for medical research!
For the past four months, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) has been working with the Alliance for Aging Research and 200 other groups representing patients, researchers, innovators and healthcare providers to organize the Rally for Medical Research. This rally will take place on Monday, April 8, 2013 at 11:00 am in conjunction with AACR’s Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Join NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, political commentator Cokie Roberts, and several patients living with diseases like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’ disease, in front of the Carnegie Library to demand that our nation’s policymakers make life-saving medical research funding a national priority.
In the wake of budget devastation caused by sequestration in March, the rally will raise awareness about the critical need for a sustained investment in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to spur progress, inspire hope, improve health, and save lives. Just two months ago 40,000 activists turned out on the National Mall for a rally on climate policy. Don’t you think we should let our government officials know that we care as much for the health of our people as we do for the health of our planet? I do. Show up and make your voice heard on Monday! For more details on the rally, visit