Our society tends to live by all-or-nothing thinking to either never walk away or be moved out of the way. While it’s easy to dictate these decisions for public figures from the sidelines, recognizing when we ourselves need to leave something is more nuanced.
Mr. President, you have stepped UP with selflessness for the well-being of America. While the public debate has fanned the flames of ageism, at the Alliance for Aging Research, we believe that with age comes the wisdom to lean on the next generation to shape our great country.
Your impressive record of accomplishments over more than five decades of public service is clear. At the Alliance, we especially applaud your vow to “listen to science” at a critical public health crossroads in our nation’s history.
You quickly rolled out COVID-19 vaccines to more than 100 million Americans in the first 100 days of your Presidency, saving countless lives. Your Administration strengthened the Older Americans Act and Medicare, increased research funding and health care affordability, and enhanced home and community-based services.
We had a few disagreements with each other on IRA direct negotiation, Medicare “coverage with evidence development,” (CED) and other shenanigans at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). When your term ends, we will miss using #MedicareMalarky to bring your attention to these critical access issues, but we concede that you probably won’t.
On balance, we know you share the Alliance’s vision for a culture that embraces healthy aging as a greater good and values science and investments to advance dignity, independence, and equity.
We greatly respect and appreciate you and the example you are setting for everyone.
From all of us at the Alliance for Aging Research to Executive Office of the President Joe Biden: THANK YOU!
Sue Peschin, MHS, serves as President & CEO for the Alliance for Aging Research.