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The Alliance Launches New Video on Vaccine Awareness for Older Adults

August 1, 2016   |   Alliance for Aging Research Team   |   Influenza, Prevention, Infectious Disease, Who We Are

Each year, thousands of Americans are hospitalized or die from vaccine-preventable diseases and even more are unable to carry out daily tasks while they recover from such illnesses. Yet, much of this can be prevented if people would get vaccinated.

To kick off National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), the Alliance has released a new “pocket film” called Our Best Shot: The Importance of Vaccines in Older Adults.

The animated film explains in an easy-to-understand format why older adults should get their recommended vaccines while also encouraging their loved ones to do the same. The film gives a detailed look into how vaccines work, addresses the need for vaccination later in life, and encourages open communication with health care professionals.

During the month of August, the Alliance will help spread immunization awareness on social media using the hashtags #OurBestShot and #NIAM16. We encourage you to participate by sharing this vital information across your own social media platforms.

Watch the film above. You can also learn more about vaccines by visiting our vaccines page.

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