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Decoding the Inflation Reduction Act With Adina Lasser

Published August 14, 2024

Show Notes

In June, the Alliance joined policymakers and patient advocates on Capitol Hill to discuss the unintended consequences of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). While the IRA offers benefits like capping out-of-pocket costs and reducing vaccine expenses, it also raises concerns about how plans are incentivized to control costs. These concerns are detailed in a recent report by the Alliance and Manatt.

Joining us today to explore the implications of the IRA for older adults, along with the steps CMS can take to protect beneficiaries, is the Alliance’s Public Policy Manager, Adina Lasser.

Episode Transcript

Katie Riley:

Welcome to This is Growing Old, the Alliance for Aging Research’s podcast, all about the common human experience of aging. I’m Katie Riley, Vice President of Communications here at the Alliance, and I’m your host for this episode.

The Alliance has been closely following the implications of the Infliction Reduction Act, especially as they pertain to older adults. While the IRA has allowed for some benefits to policyholders, such as a cap on out-of-pocket expenditures, decreasing vaccine costs, and providing the ability to smooth out costs over the plan year, significant concerns remain about the incentives that the IRA has created for plans to control costs. In June, we hosted an event on Capitol Hill featuring policymakers, patient advocates, health economists, and medical providers who discussed the unintended consequences of the IRA.

During that event, the Alliance released a report detailing actionable measures that CMS can legally take now without the need for congressional action to protect beneficiaries against harmful utilization management techniques. Today’s guest is an expert on all of these topics and no stranger to our podcast. She’s hosted others before, but is a first-time guest today. Adina Lasser, my colleague serves as Public Policy manager at the Alliance. I know this has been an especially busy summer for the Alliance, Adina, especially in the Public Policy space. So thank you for taking time for this conversation today.

Katie Riley:

Yeah. I think our listeners are going to walk away with a lot of information today, so why don’t we get right to it? Let’s dive into the questions.

Katie Riley:

So how about, let’s start by grounding us a little bit in the Inflation Reduction Act, can you give us a brief overview of what it is and how it may impact older adults specifically?

Katie Riley:

Yeah. I know we just came on, we’re on the heels of our June event where we talked with a lot of great experts and had just a wonderful attendance and a great conversation at that. And during that event, we released the report from Manatt Health that the Alliance created in partnership with that organization. I know, Adina, you were very in the weeds with that report and are our local guru on that one. But the report talks about the significant changes to the Part D prescription drug plan and that benefit. Can you break down what some of these changes are and why Medicare beneficiaries should be concerned?

Katie Riley:

Great. That’s a really great way to break it down and understand how all this stuff in the back end works. I think we just see the prices and don’t think about how you arrive at that point, so thank you for that breakdown. Utilization management is a word that is going around a lot, especially at the Alliances where it’s something that we’re very concerned with. Can you talk a little bit about how utilization management impacts Medicare beneficiaries ability to access these prescription medications?

Katie Riley:

All of these things are really important and they’re all happening in the background. But open enrollment is where this all comes to a head, and beneficiaries need to be looking into their plans. After they select a plan, how soon will these changes go into effect, and how soon will these changes to prescription drug prices and access take effect?

Katie Riley:

So what steps can CMS take to protect Medicare Part D beneficiaries now? I know this is what the meat and potatoes of the Manatt report is. Can you go into that a little bit?

Katie Riley:

Yeah. This all makes a lot of sense, and as we noted in the report, these are things that they could possibly do today and are legally able to do. Why do you think that it hasn’t happened yet?

Katie Riley:

All right. Final question, what can our listeners who are hearing all of this and trying to process it, what can they do to ensure that they are protected under the IRA and where can they find more information with updates on the Medicare price negotiation program?

Katie Riley:

Yeah, great. This is wonderful information. Very useful to anyone listening or listening on behalf of a loved one. Adina, thank you so much for all of this great info. I know you and the team will continue to update us and release new information as you monitor this, especially through open enrollment season. So thank you.

Katie Riley:

Yes. And as always, be sure to check out the Alliance’s website,, to stay updated on the Policy team’s work in this important area. Thank you for tuning in to This is Growing Old.

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