The mission of Accelerate Cures/Treatments for All neuroDegenerative Diseases (ACT-AD) is to support accelerating research and approval for transformational therapies to modify the progression, or relieve symptoms, of all dementias.
ACT-AD brings together companies, advocacy groups, and researchers to interact with the FDA outside of an IND to explore challenges and themes in ADRD clinical development. ACT-AD also provides an overview of research priorities for the NIA and coverage and reimbursement issues for new AD medical products. ACT-AD translates complex regulatory issues to a wide range of stakeholders, including patients and caregivers, to create more engagement on issues that would otherwise be restricted to regulators and companies.
Program objectives are:
To create a sense of urgency in support of bringing dementia products to market;
To obtain public and government recognition of dementia as a serious, life-threatening epidemic; and
To accelerate development of safe and effective disease-modifying and symptomatic therapies in dementia.
FDA/ACT-AD Allies Annual Meeting
Every year the FDA and ACT-AD convene a roundtable meeting to explore the current therapeutic and research landscape for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Sessions address pertinent issues in the field of dementia research and include presentations from NIH/NIA funded investigators and private industry.
To learn more about ACT-AD and the annual meeting, please email [email protected]; and/or Beth Mathews-Bradshaw, Vice President of Patient Engagement and Research, at bmbrad[email protected].
To learn more about sponsoring ACT-AD, please contact Sarah Delgado, Vice President of Development, at [email protected].
Valve Disease Day
is Almost Here!
February is American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness around the importance of recognizing and understanding all types of heart disease, including valve disease.
Learn more about #ValveDiseaseDay events happening throughout Heart Month and on February 22nd, that encourage us all to listen to our hearts.