More Americans need to know about the effects of heart valve disease.
That was the message of an op-ed written by former U.S. Congressman Philip Gingrey, M.D., that appeared on The Hill’s website.
Gingrey’s op-ed was centered on the upcoming National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day that is being celebrated across the country on February 22.
Gingrey notes that while the disease affects more than five million Americans, it also has a low level of national awareness. That’s why National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day offers a great opportunity to increase knowledge of the disease.
He writes, “A 97 percent survival rate following heart valve repair or replacement surgery is amazing, but far too many people still die because their heart valve disease went unrecognized and untreated. The greatest medical innovations cannot ‘treat’ a lack of public awareness. And, when it comes to heart valve disease, what you don’t know can hurt you…with National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day coming up on Feb. 22, it’s a good time to learn about this disease and encourage loved ones to seek out a health care professional if they have risk factors or symptoms.”
Go over to for more about National Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day.