This Sunday, November 29 at 9 p.m. ET, the National Geographic Channel will debut an important special, The Age of Aging. Directed by Ron Howard, it highlights the pioneering research dedicated to extending our healthy years of life, or healthspan.
If you are familiar with our organization, you know one of our core priorities revolves around advancing research that promotes healthspan. That’s why we are very excited about this special and hope it helps educate many people on why healthspan research matters.
Are you new to the concept of healthspan research? If so, we invite you to head over to our Healthspan Campaign site. It features expert interviews, videos, and articles focused on all things healthspan. In fact, many of the experts who are scheduled to appear in the special such as Dr. Nir Barzilai, Dr. S. Jay Olshansky, Dr. Steven Austad, and researchers from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging have been featured on the site.
To get an overview of the healthspan issue. Watch this film The Healthspan Imperative below.