It’s an exciting week for the AIM Coalition. This Friday, May 9, our sarcopenia-focused entry, Combating Muscle Loss, will be one of five finalists for the Collaborate | Innovate Challenge.
This challenge is a contest that “calls on teams of advocates to team up and submit concepts that translate patient insights into new and novel solutions to improve the drug development process and ultimately improve patient health.”
The challenge was answered by the Alliance for Aging Research and AIM Science Advisory Board Head Jack Guralnik, M.D., Ph.D., MPH, and the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
The Combating Muscle Loss project seeks to raise awareness about the immense challenges faced by those with sarcopenia by capturing patient voices on muscle loss and its impact on their quality of life. It would also make it possible for an online portal to be created where patients and caregivers can learn more about sarcopenia research and clinical trials.
After a highly competitive selection process, Combating Muscle Loss received an invitation to the final round. The winner will be announced this Friday. If the AIM proposal is selected, a prize of $100,000 will be awarded…a prize that will be used to make Combating Muscle Loss a reality.