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The Alliance Calls Out CMS, Prepares for Heroes in Health, and Explores Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

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Living Longer and Loving It

Join Us for our Annual Heroes in Health Celebration

Join us on September 26 as we celebrate Integrity, Collaboration and Healthy Aging at this year's Heroes in Health event at a new location this year – the beautiful Waldorf Astoria, Washington. 

For three decades, the Annual Awards Dinner has honored trailblazing advocates for older Americans. This year, we celebrate 30 years of commitment to the aging community and the leaders who defend our right to healthy aging. 

Register Today!

Alliance, Partners Join Forces to Voice Concerns on Detrimental
Medicare Policies

This week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the first 10 Part D drugs subject to Medicare price-setting.

The Alliance has opposed every price-setting proposal since 2019 because they rely on rationing beneficiary access to reach Congressional Budget Office savings. 

Read Our Full Statement

Related CMS Advocacy Work

Alliance, 34 Organizations Outline Detrimental and Unethical Issues with CED Policy

34 Organizations to CMS: Access Must be at the Forefront of the National Coverage Analysis Process

Alliance to Medicare: Medical Device Program Represents Step Backward from Previously Finalized Proposal

Advocacy Wins

Alliance, Eight Other Organizations Support NCD on PrEP to HIV Prevention

Alliance Applauds Inclusion of Patient Protections in Medicare Payment Installment Plan

35 Organizations to CMS: Thank You for Proposal to Discontinue CED on PET Scans

New Film Explores Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Alzheimer’s in 60 Seconds

In support of our popular film series, Expert Conversations on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Alzheimer’s, the Alliance has produced a 60-second PSA. Our latest film provides a glimpse into the challenges faced by individuals and family caregivers.

Watch and share the 60-second version about these stories to learn more about these stories and how together, we can shake the stigma around neuropsychiatric symptoms.

Medicine pills laying on top of a $100 dollar bill

Chairman’s Blog: A Longer Look Ahead is Needed to Treat Alzheimer’s

​​​​"Let’s take a longer look at what the needs of our elderly population could be five years from now. And let’s do it sooner rather than later."

Despite the incredible progress that we have witnessed in Alzheimer's treatment in recent years, significant obstacles rest ahead in the quest for patient access. In his latest blog, Alliance Board Chair Jim Scott explores a pathway to equitable Alzheimer's treatment.

Read the Blog

Podcast: Expert Advice in Palliative Care, Navigating Grief

​​​​"We have one chance, one opportunity to help someone die well. There are no do-overs..."

Grief Awareness Day is marked this week as a time to educate others on grief and create space for loss. On our latest episode of This Is Growing Old, we’re joined by the National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation (NPHI) to discuss the growing effort to support patients and their loved ones as they navigate their journey into the final stage of life.

Tune In

Recent News 

Your Guide to Biden's 2024 Healthcare Plan Messaging

Politico, August 25

Philip Gutis: When the Government Doomed Alzheimer's Patients

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 9

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