Earlier in my career, I spent valuable years working for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), as well as on Capitol Hill where I helped to shape the Medicare Part D legislation. Additionally, while at Roche, I was tasked with resolving Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement issues at the federal level. During all of these challenging and engrossing experiences, I was very aware that I was privileged to be at the forefront of important healthcare decision making. I was also preparing, unknowingly, for what would be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life: uniting my professional interests and personal passions.
I am referring, of course, to my association with the Alliance for Aging Research, first as a member of the Board of Directors and, more recently, beginning five years ago, as Board Chair.
My service with the Alliance began before the COVID-19 pandemic, before telehealth became part of the mainstream approach to care, before there were promising new treatments for Alzheimer’s, and before vaccine resistance became a daunting challenge for healthcare providers. As each one of these events made healthcare history, I felt fortunate to be working with an organization, and with colleagues, that were helping our aging population withstand and in some cases, benefit from these sweeping changes.
My work as President and CEO of Applied Policy, the healthcare consulting firm that I founded, requires me to think in terms of potential benefits to my clients and the patients they serve: how will I, and my staff, help them to navigate the complex legislative, regulatory and commercial opportunities and threats presented by our healthcare system? My work with the Alliance has allowed me to see the landmark events of the last five years through a complementary lens, one that measures progress in terms of how it will impact the universal human experience of aging and health.
I am grateful to have been taught this perspective.
The Alliance for Aging Research is now in its 36th year, flourishing even during one of the most challenging times we as a country have experienced. As I prepare to relinquish my position as Chair of the Board, I count myself fortunate to have worked closely with the Alliance, benefiting from its collective wisdom, optimism, and enthusiasm.
I want to extend enduring thanks to Dan Perry for his vision in creating the Alliance and introducing me to this extraordinary organization.
Special thanks, also, to Sue Peschin, President and CEO of the Alliance, for her leadership during my years on the Board and as Board Chair. I know that with her continuing stewardship, as well as the diligent work of the Alliance staff, this organization will advance from strength to strength as it leads our societal effort to improve the universal experience of aging.
Editor’s Note: The Alliance for Aging Research will formally elect the next Board Chair during its September 27 meeting. An announcement will be shared on our website soon after.