Alzheimer’s disease affects millions of Americans, and it’s growing in prevalence as the population ages. As more people and their families are impacted, the need for therapies to slow and eventually stop the disease becomes more urgent as does support for Alzheimer’s research.
An interesting take on supporting this research is in the form of H.R. 3092, a bill that has been submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives for issue of an Alzheimer’s Disease Research Semipostal Stamp.
As the bill’s sponsors note on their Facebook page,
The Alzheimer’s stamp is a highly symbolic & therefore important piece of legislation that would allow ordinary citizens to show their support for individuals and families impacted by this devastating disease. As importantly, it would help raise much needed funds for medical research through the voluntary purchase of postage stamps.
Proceeds for the sales of this stamp would go to the National Institutes of Health. Other such stamps, such as one themed on breast cancer, have proven to be very successful.